Did you say Meth? Is that what MSM is?

What is MSM?



Phew... That's a mouthful

What is MSM? 

MSM is short for Methylsulfonylmethane and thank god we just call it MSM. At first glance, it might alarm some people because it has the word meth and methane in it. But don't be alarmed! It is actually just a natural chemical found in animals, people, and plants. It is most popularly known for its arthritis healing abilities. However, MSM is so much more. 

Improves Joint Health

These days joint health is not only a concern for older people. With excessive exercise, younger people are suffering from joint pain as well. MSM helps with bone health and joint flexibility to reduce pain and stiffness. 

Silky Skin

Collagen is essential for tight and young-looking skin. MSM helps collagen formation to make your skin look as beautiful as ever. 

Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation isn't just swelling around damaged tissues excessive weight can also be considered inflammation. This is a heavy burden for your body (no pun intended). With sulfur in MSM, it helps flush those toxins and inflammation in your body. This also means faster healing and reduced body weight. 

Improved Energy Level

I'm not a doctor but I am sure chugging Redbull every hour is not healthy. With MSM helping the body to heal and work at its optimal level, your body will have more energy to do more activities. 

Better Hair and Nails

Do you ever see a shampoo commercial and think, "How in the world?" Well, collagen and keratin are essential for hair and nail health and MSM provides the sulfur necessary to produce keratin and collagen. Now you can make your own shampoo commercial with your new silky hair. 

