What is this collagen everyone is talking about?
Does it fix wrinkles?
These days every bottle of face cream says that they have collagen in it. What is collagen exactly and why should I care?
Will you believe me if I say collagen is the glue that holds your body together? Maybe the reason my life is falling apart is that I need more collagen. Seriously though, collagen is a glue-like protein in our body that support our cells.
Our tissues such as skin (70-80%), muscles (10%), bones (30%), and tendons (80%) are full of collagen. This is why collagen is important because it basically keeps everything together. It is especially beneficial to your skin because it:
Improves skin elasticity making your skin look young
Locks in moisture, keeping your skin hydrated
Reduces wrinkles and makes your skin look even younger than the fake age you keep telling people
Prevents hair loss and hair thinning
Keeps your nails strong
Helps your muscle strength and muscle regeneration, like Wolverine! (Disclaimer: Collagen doesn't help you heal from bullet wounds)
Keeps your brain healthy by preventing neuro-degeneration.
Basically, collagen keeps you looking beautiful inside and out because not everyone can pull off so many wrinkles like those puppies in the picture.